Mr. WU was appointed as an Executive Director, the Executive General Manager and a member of the Executive Committee of the Company on 4 February 2022.
Aged 42, Mr. WU was appointed as an Executive Director, the Executive General Manager and a member of the Executive Committee of the Company on 4 February 2022. He is a senior engineer and graduated from Jilin Jianzhu University (吉林建築大學) with a bachelor’s degree in Transportation Civil Engineering (交通土建專業). Mr. WU was the general manager of Shenzhen Expressway Construction Development Company Limited (深圳高速建設發展有限公司) (“SZ Construction”), which is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Shenzhen Expressway Corporation Limited (“Shenzhen Expressway”, together with its subsidiaries, the “SZ Expressway Group”), a company listed on The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited (Stock Code: 548) and the intermediate holding company of the Company.
Mr. WU has extensive experience in project and corporate management. He joined SZ Expressway Group in 2004 and had worked in various projects of the SZ Expressway Group. Mr. WU had been appointed as a deputy general manager of SZ Construction from May 2017 to January 2019. Since February 2019, Mr. WU has been appointed as a general manager of SZ Construction and a general manager of Waihuan Project Management Office (外環項目管理處). In addition, he has successively held the positions of the deputy general manager of Jihe Reconstruction and Expansion Project Management Office (機荷改擴建項目管理處) of the SZ Expressway Group since April 2019, an executive director of Shenzhen Expressway Asphalt Technology Company Limited (深圳高速瀝青科技有限公司) since April 2021 and a director of SZ Shenzhen Expressway Financial Leasing Company Limited (深圳深高速融資租賃有限公司) since September 2021, both companies being non-wholly owned subsidiaries of Shenzhen Expressway.